Saturday, December 12, 2009

boifren wook is MR D!!

lama wook tak singgah disini..wook nk g beli goreng pisang..wook berhenti sat na..
bz la katakan.
lega hati KKC22 da abes..tapi ada lagi yg lain tuh..JOM JERIT SAMA2!!..aaaaaaa..erk!
igt da lega..ada lagi nk kna pk..ATOYAI!..tulang wook nie sapa la nk ganti..

perkara yg tidak dilupakan.."wook tersengih, bila doc kata tulang wook retak"...perasaan terkejut dan sedih tetapi tersalah express action..hahaha

wook pasrah mende da jadi..3 bulan kot fully recovery..tapi coming effect mmg akn ada..yg
wook peliknya, asal ckp tulang blkg jek..sume manusia akan terpk mcm mane ak nk PREGNANT!..erk, terima kasih concern dowh!..wook pun tak terpk ke arah tu..haha

org sibuk tnya ape wook rasa..wook tak pndai zahirkn sakit n tak taw cmner..wook jatuh pun bley gelak..sakit Tuhan je, still sakit..tak ley buat keje berat sgt..kalo nmpak wook tibe2 duduk..paham2 la yer..duduk pun tak ley lama..diri pun tak ley lama..rutin n habit perlu ditukar skrg..I HAV TO...

now i m dating wif da MR D...i kapel dgn MR D tuh..haha..

MR D asyik nk jumper wook jek..wook segan la..hahaha...wook tetap nk prasan

MR D asyik tnya wook sihat tak jek..ape la MR D nie...

MR D asyik pesan suh minum susu byk2..suh kasik kuat..thanx..huhu

Mr D tak kasi wook keje kuat2...uuu..sweetnyer


p/s: terima kasih kpd mereka yg dtg melawat spjg wook beraya haji di hosp..jgn tanya sakit tak?sbb zahirnya mmg tak pndai tunjuk..hehehe

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wook Got idea From movie yg wook tgok!!---The Clique

A- Friendless loser
B- a person with tons of frens who secretly hates u
u dont have to be "someone" to make people love u
u are not in charge other's feeling or their actions, just yours
maybe some of your actions weren't so great either
the truth is, being good and nice to every people
even there are so many persons, who just meet u when inneed
as long as they are not back stabbing on u
God always being so fair with us..even 1 of ur fren being so bad on u
there always hundred of buddies outside to be nice with u
so i rather choose to be a friendless loser than to have a bunch of frens, who s totally hate me

p/s: freak!..i m fucking freaky with tomoro i m blogger-ing..haha..aaaa..cuaking lol!..

i m out

Monday, November 9, 2009

They are just dont care...Wook nk Speaking!

they are just dont care or they looks like dont care...

dont blame her...

do u ever try to listen how exactly she feel

do u ever give a chance for her to speak..

do u ever spent ur time to listen her probs..

cross ur heart..u neva neva and neva sit with her..

u dont even realise her tears falled easily...

hav u ever comfort her during she felt empty inside..



i saw her tears..i heard her soft voice try to speak

but she cant..she just cant speak to tell the truth..

i can feel it..pls stop!!..she just need us..

pls hold her tiny hands..

dont u ever let she fall again..

i beg u..pls!..wipe her tears..let she smiles again..thanx.

p/s: wook ade perasaan juga..chaiyok!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

wOok masih Remaja Dan TeruJa...Yes!

Yup..Saya mmg Mudah Teruja dgn Cartoon...
atleast sy tidak menonton cerita "mengarut"..aaaaa
tak mo tengok jennifers body..sudah ada dat movie...hahaha
skrg wook teruja dgn Movie ini!!!!

wook tak kira, wook nk g tgok jugak!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

PesaNan Wook!

tak menolong dikatakan sombong

berbuat baik sering diambil kesempatan

time senang ketawa dgn yg lain

time susah kita yang dirujuk

mmg manusia begini wujud

sila kira berapa kawan yang ketawa bersama kita


kira juga berapa kawan yang sanggup bersusah untuk kita

tak perlu menuding pd yang lain

sikap manusia memang lupa dgn tindakan sendiri

wook mengingatkan diri sendiri

begitu juga cucu semua

akhir kata, Tuding Diri Sendiri Dulu Okeyh!

p/s: wook tiba2 terpk.maklumlah dah berumur nie!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Mahasiswa Upm mmg Prihatin..wook suke!

hari ini pegi mkn di padang..tgah mkn dtg sorang mak cik..
muka sedih gle..mintak sedekah..tak smpai hati ak..
mula la terpk mana famili dy ek..bygkn kalo famili kte pun kna buat mcm tuh..

ish..ish...mintak dijauhkan la..
berbalik cte mak cik tadi..mmg kesian..
jln pun terhincut-hincut...muka mmg sedih...
dah la panas..aaaa..
sumpah ak rasa nk nangis...
tak bley dowh...dari meja ke meja mak cik tu pegi..
selipar mak cik tu pun dah haus..
ak hulur apa yg termampu la..brp??..
(ish..ish..tak ikhlas kalo gtaw tu)tak der la kasik cheque besar whiteboard..
nk kasik lebiy..
ak plak yg kena merempat..dah la hujung sem ni..aaaaa

yg ak terharu..kebanyakan yg customer yg tgah mkn..sumer hulurkan duit..
even dorang sumer student mcm ak..atleast, masih ada rasa simpati dalam diri kita...CHewah!!..haha

so, moral of da stories..always put urself in other shoes..
utk mak cik tu plak, kalo dy ade blog..
'semoga mak cik bahagia selalu'

p/s: hari nie wook gembira "rakyat malaysia masih prihatin"..huhu..

SoRe Pak Cik Versi MerDu

hati2 berkobar naik bus awal..konon amek berkat exam
kul 1.15 da terpacak dlm bus..
tunggu punya la lama..pak cik bus ni bley plak K.A.R.A.O.K.E..
lagu zaman ble ntah..yg ak igt
"engkau bagai gajah, aku semut merah"..(hahaha..halal lah)
nk tunjuk muka protes pun tak ley..muka ak betul2 muat skrin cermin depan pemandu..aaaaaa
so, semua pelajar layankan je la pakcik ni..3 lagu DOWH!!!
alih2, semua org sampai ke dewan kuliah dgn muka jiwa kacao
terima kasih pak cik!
suara pak cik memang bes..Lagi Bes Kalau Tak Nyanyi!!